Pest Library – Other Pests – Centipedes

Facts: Centipedes

Name: Scutigera coleoptrata

Appearance: Adult centipedes are long and thin in shape, brown in color, and have segmented bodies. Despite having a name that means “100 legs”, they actually have from 15 to 191 pairs of legs. They average about one inch in length.

Habit: Centipedes are nocturnal creatures that like areas with high levels of moisture. They are often found in basements, garages, kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas that stay damp. Despite having compound eyes, the common house centipede is nearly blind and relies on its sensitive antennae to track down food and survive.

Health/Damage Concerns: Centipedes have venom which is used to paralyze their prey. This venom is not commonly fatal to humans, but can cause more severe reactions for people that are allegoric to it. Bites should be treated by first cleaning with soap and water, and then covered to prevent infection. If any sign of infection occurs seek medical help immediately! Fatal bites are rare, but have occurred in small children, the sick, and the elderly.

Diet: Carnivorous/scavenger; centipedes with eat a variety of crawling pests like worms, spiders, and even other centipedes.

Reproduction: Centipedes females attract males with pheromone signals. Male centipedes then create what is called a spermatophore, a silken pad weaved by the male and deposited with sperm, and leaves it for the female. This is often followed by a mating ritual performed by the male of him tapping his antennae on the female’s rear legs. Females will hide in protected areas overwinter and lay her eggs in rotting logs or moist soil during the spring and summer months. Most species of centipedes will protect their eggs until they are hatched. Most centipedes also grow a segment and more legs with each molt, reaching adulthood at the onset of their 15th pair of legs.

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