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CALL US TODAY! 800-273-6050

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CALL US TODAY! 800-273-6050


Pest Control - Service TechnicianIn order to gain effective control of any pest, we make our customers aware that pest management is an ongoing process, and not always a simple one-time fix. While a single treatment may knock-out most of the visible problem, it may not prevent the problem from reoccurring. To ensure that we take care of the problem as effectively as possible, we implement our three-step plan that maximizes control and saves you money. The plan is simple….

Inspect and Assess

We know that no two pest problems are exactly alike, so a thorough home inspection is key in determining the cause of pest infestations, the severity of the problem, and the best possible solution. Our DEP Certified and Licensed technicians are highly trained and are able to identify your pest, any potential risk areas, and the underlying reasons why pest may want to enter your home.


With our inspection complete, we can create a treatment plan that is unique to your specific problem. This is collaborative effort between you and your dedicated technician, who will work one-on-one with you to come up with a treatment plan customized to your families needs. Our treatment methods are designed to maximize your safety and the safety of the environment as well, while still keeping pest where they belong.

Monitor & Reassess

To complete the process, we continually monitor the problem and assess what methods of treatment are working, and which are less effective. We do this by maintaining communication with our customers and through our excellent customer service. This ensures that not only will your problem be gone quickly, it will stay gone.

Pests are always present, but it our job to protect you and the ones you love….. Paramount Exterminating, because nothing bugs us more than pests.

For more information on IPM please visit: EPA – Integrated Pest Management


NJ Toll Free






Jersey City




Union City
