Facts: Citronella Ants
Lasius interjectus
Traits and Appearance: Averaging from ¼ inch to ½ inche in length, and entirely yellow in color. The common name, “Citronella Ant”, comes from the citrus odor that is released when a worker ant is stepped on. Citronella ant swarmers have black wings and are often seen during the mid to late summer. Other common names for these ants are “moisture ants” and “yellow ants”.
Habit and Habitat: Citronella ants nest in soil and are most often found outdoors making nests under rocks, logs, and concrete slabs. They excavate tunnels underneath these objects and create soil mounds around their exit tubes. They require high moisture levels to survive and are usually found in homes with water damage or in areas of high humidity.
Diet: Citronella ants feed on the honeydew that other insects acquire from feeding on plant roots.
Reproduction: Citronella ants swarm in mid to late summer looking to establish new colonies.
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