Pest Library – Bees/Wasps – Mud Dauber Wasp

Facts: Mud Dauber Wasp

Name: Sceliphron caementarium

Appearance: Long and slender in shape, coloring varies from black and yellow, metallic blue, to completely black. Most species have a very long, thin waist. ¾” to 1” in length.

Habit: Mud daubers are known to continually occupy a particular area year after year if left undisturbed. This may result in nesting sites accumulating over time, and a large population of the pests in that area. They create mud nests that are often hidden in areas that are protected from the elements. The size and shape of nest created varies with the particular species of mud dauber; most creating nests that are small in size with several exit holes that will remained sealed until the offspring are ready to leave the nest.

Health/Damage Concerns: Mud daubers are generally not aggressive unless disturbed or handled. When dealing with stinging pests, it is always best to contact your local pest control professional.

Diet: The adult mud daubers diet is similar to most wasps, feeding on flower nectar and other sweet foods. However, they are also predators, capturing spiders to provide food for their offspring. The female wasp will collect up to a dozen spiders to provision her nesting site. The larvae will feed on the spiders until they are ready to emerge from the nest.

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