Pest Library – Bees/Wasps – Bald Faced Hornet

Facts: Bald Faced Hornet

Name: Dolichovespula

Appearance: The bald-faced hornet is closely related to the yellow jacket wasp. ¾” to 1- 1/4” in length. Distinguishable by the white markings on its body and face.

Habit: Bald-faced hornet nests are often found hanging in bushes, trees, buildings corners, and underneath roof eaves. They are aggressive and can cause very painful stings and serious allergic reactions, please call your local pest professional when dealing with stinging insects.

Health/Damage Concerns: Hornet nests can become very large, very quickly. In fact, nests can become the size of a basketball in as little as a few months. Despite hornets being beneficial pests, they should not be allowed to create nests near populated areas. Hornets can be very aggressive, especially when disturbed, and cause painful and dangerous stings. Hornet stings can cause serious, sometimes fatal allergic reactions! Please call your local pest professional when dealing with stinging insects.

Diet: Sugary liquids; plant nectar.

Reproduction: In spring, a queen bald-faced hornet will begin to form a nest, laying one egg in each cell. Those cells are stocked with insects and nectar for the newly emerged larvae to feed on. These larvae will eventually become workers in the colony. Male bald-faced hornets arrive in late summer to mate and produce new queens for the following year. As the temperature drops, new queens search out places to hibernate for the winter, while the workers will perish due to the cold.

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