Oriental Cockroaches

Facts: Oriental Cockroach


Blatta orientalis

Traits and Appearance: Dark brown to black in color, and about 1 inch in length. Females appear wingless, despite having very short wings directly behind its head. Males have wings longer than females, but that are shorter than the length of their body. The picture here is of a male oriental cockroach.

Habits and Habitat: Prefers warm, damp environments and can generally be found inside of the home in basements, kitchens and bathrooms. They are often seen outdoors as well, residing in sewers and other areas with favorable conditions.

Diet: Scavenger diet; will eat everything from decaying food and organic matter to raw sewage.

Reproduction: Oriental cockroach females lay egg capsules like most other species of cockroach. Each egg capsule contains up to 16 eggs, with the female able to lay an average of eight capsules within their lifespan. “Nymphs”, or baby cockroaches, go through a 7 stage molting process before becoming fully grown adults. Finding these egg casings and molts are a good sign that you may have a problem you were unaware of.

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